Springing Ahead to Better Days
InvestingOne thing is clear. 2020 will go down in the books as a year to remember, even if we want to forget it. A year where social distancing and unprecedented became buzzwords, toilet paper took its place on the throne as king, and the only thing we can be certain of is uncertainty itself. Yes, market volatility and economic woes have created challenges. However, we are hopefully heading towards better days soon, with a “new normal” life will resuming for us all relatively soon.
Staying the Course is Key
Even amidst market volatility, it is important for each of you to stay the course with your long-term retirement goals. Continue to invest in your designated investment funds as you normal would, because you are saving for your future retirement. That objective remains the same, even now. The beautiful part of systematic contributions such as this is you are automatically dollar-cost averaging with each paycheck. Some weeks you buy lower, some weeks you buy higher. The most important point to this is also simple: it is that you stay the course.
Are you worried about your 401(k) or investments, or would you like a quick financial health check-up? Call us at (319) 235-6561. We would love to help!
Mortgage Rates Are At All-Time Lows
Many people have been spring-cleaning their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic, and it is a great time to consider cleaning up your finances. Mortgage rates remain to be at or near historic lows and it is a great time to look into financing. Our affiliate, Farmers State Bank, would love to help answer any questions you have, whether it be purchasing a new home, refinancing your current mortgage to save on interest and payments, or seeking additional funds for home projects around the house. Call them at (319) 287-3961. Their mortgage loan officers are ready to help!
Spring Is Finally Here
It is May 1st, the start of a new month. Yes, we have had a rough couple of months, and the future remains uncertain and the times are ever changing, but that does not mean the future will not be bright. As Helen Keller once said, “When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.” While we may never go back to exactly the way things were and our “new normal” is still to be determined, perhaps one day in the future we will look back and remember this time, the memories we made, and everything we learned.
Take care, stay healthy, and stay the course. We are here for you.
FSB Premier
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