FSB Premier “All-Star” - Jake Myrvik: A Nearly Perfect Day in May
InsightsIt was a beautiful day in early May, sunny and 60 degrees, jeans and t-shirt weather. Friday, May 8, 2020 will be a day Jake Myrvik will forever cherish. Jake, his brother Konner and his father Todd shared a special day on the Turkey Creek disc golf course in Iowa City, Iowa. This day was particularly special to Jake as not only was it Konnor’s birthday, but his father Todd helped design the original 9-hole course expanded to a 18-hole disc golf course.
You all know Jake Myrvik as a financial adviser here at FSB and one of our team’s operations ALL-STARS. Some of you may not know Jake’s love for disc golf until now. You literally see his face light up anytime he talks about it. He even plans vacations around it, because whenever he travels (Colorado, Minnesota, and so on), he packs up some discs and searches out a good course to play on. This is a passion for him which started young at the age of five. His father Todd was a professional disc golfer with the PDGA until 1992 and an excellent teacher for Jake and his brother to learn from.
As noted above, the Turkey Creek course is particularly sentimental to the Myrvik family because Todd helped design the original 9-hole course expanded to a 18-hole course. It was reduced back to a 9-hole course approximately five years back, but Jake’s family decided this beautiful day in May would be the perfect opportunity to play the “old 18”. To accomplish this, they brought their own moveable baskets and put in pin placements (where the baskets go) for the holes which had been removed. They even got to play some of the original ones which haven’t been around for 15-20 years. All morning and afternoon, they carried baskets up hills and paths, reminiscing over stories and shared memories of holes no longer there, but not forgotten. What a great day, indeed!
A couple tips Jake offers to anyone who may be new to the sport but wanting to try it. First, make sure you throw the disc high enough into the air. Second, perhaps leave the cell phone in the car, or at least not in your back pocket when throwing (ahem, an unnamed FSB co-worker whose cell phone dropped and screen shattered at a FSB disc golf get-together in Cedar Falls last Fall). But seriously, if you’re looking to learn or if you are an experienced disc golfer and looking for a challenge, ask Jake. He’s always looking for opportunities to play, and it’s a fun time. Just don’t be upset if he wins :)
Jake Myrvik and Jake Stalder were throwing some discs outside our building during a lunch break this week.
Jake and his dog Foster. Yes, Foster loves to play disc golf too!
If you ask Jake why he likes disc golf so much, he says it’s because he can be active outside, while enjoying nature and breathing in the fresh air. Adding to this, he says he thrives on the competition and it allows him to spend time with family and friends, having fun and making memories.
We hope your day your day is full of “aces” and making great memories. Take care and see you soon!
FSB Premier
Written by: Crystal Weber
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